Research &

Gumokov - Research & Development

Research & Development

Mechanical engineering

Key Factors

Rubber solutions - Mechanical Design

Mechanical Design

Design tools Creo,  Catia, AutoDESK, Siemens NX

Rubber solutions - Simulations


FEA computation - MARC, MENTAT
Dynamic simulations

Rubber solutions - Testing


in-house test laboratory, compounds laboratory, prototype workshop, tools manufacturing

Chemical engineering

Key Factors

Rubber solutions - Compound design

Compound design

Rubber solutions - Compound tuning

Compound tuning

Rubber solutions - Compound testing and validation

Compound testing and validation

Metrology measurements & validations

Rubber solutions measurements

Dimensional measurement equipment​

  • Optical systems​
  • 3D measurement system​
  • Contour measurement​
  • Standard gauges and callipers

Static properties measurement devices

  • SHIMADZU 10/250 kN
Rubber solutions measurements
Rubber solutions measurements

Dynamic properties and durability measurement systems

  • Multiaxial hydropuls INOVA - 3kN – 250kN – linear
  • Multiaxial hydropuls INOVA - 200Nm – 1000Nm – rotary
  • Climatic chambers (-40°C up to +250 °C)
  • Inova: 10kN, 0 to 600 Hz
Dynamic signal measurement
  • Multianalyzer CRYSTAL

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Gumokov, a.s.

Akademika Bedrny 531/8a,
500 03 Hradec Králové, Věkoše
Tel. +420 495 753 111

© 2023 Gumokov
