automotive components

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Have you got a project for Rubberized Rollers?

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Gumokov - Your Role - Engineer

Rubberized Rollers

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Our locations

Gumokov - Hradec Králové

Gumokov, a.s.

Akademika Bedrny 531/8a, 
500 03 Hradec Králové, Věkoše
Tel: +420 495 753 111

Contacts – Key Account Managers

Jan Zboril

Jan Zboril

Sales Manager

Area: Automotive Components

Tel: +420 733 611 596
         +420 495 753 285

Miroslav Krejcar

Josef Šitina

Key Account Manager

Area: Rubberized Rollers

Tel: +420 734 137 572
         +420 495 753 206

Radek Pospisil

Radek Pospisil

Business Development Manager

Area: Rubber Mixing

Tel: +420 778 969 501

Pavel Jansa

Pavel Jansa

Key Account Manager

Area: Non Automotive

Tel: +420 604 274 722


Gumokov - Data privacy

Contact our Data privacy office

Do you have specific requests or questions about how we manage personal data? Read our privacy notice or contact our data privacy office here.

Gumokov, a.s.

Akademika Bedrny 531/8a,
500 03 Hradec Králové, Věkoše
Tel. +420 495 753 111

© 2023 Gumokov
